Looking for a unique, meaningful gift for a woman? I’ve got you covered!
Disclaimer: If you are my sister-in-law, Julianne, STOP reading this immediately. This is the post about the present I bought you THAT YOU PROMISED NOT TO READ!!
Okay. Now we got that out of the way.
I found the most amazing thing this week. Thanks to my friend, Megan, for hosting a party at our church where I found this gem. It is a piece of jewelry from the organization Fashion and Compassion. Here is why I like Fashion and Compassion:
- all the jewelry is made by women who have struggled with prostitution, poverty, abuse, etc.
- all the proceeds go back into the communities where the women are (Ethiopia, Mexico, and even locally, in Charlotte)
- the jewelry is gorgeous
If you are looking for a Christmas/birthday present for a woman in your life, look at this website.
Wouldn’t it be nice to know that your money went somewhere awesome?
I think so. Which is why I bought one of these items for myself, one for my sister-in-law, who as mentioned earlier promised not read this post, and also, FOR ONE OF YOU.
I bought this puppy with my own money. And I’m giving one away. Usually when I give things away they have been provided for me. Not this one. I love it so much, and I believe in the organization so much, that I’m just doing this for the heck of it.
The earrings caught my eye because they’re beautiful. Then I looked closer, and saw something awesome. “Genesis 50:20” is imprinted on the little circles. A favorite verse of mine, something Joseph said in the Old Testament:
You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. (Gen. 50:20)
Cool, right? Then I looked even closer, and saw something even more awesome. The little beads on the side ARE MADE OF RECYCLED BULLETS. FROM ETHIOPIA.
Literally – this gift took something horrible, the bullets from a war zone, the broken life of a woman, and made something beautiful. A piece of jewelry, yes, but also a job, a hope, a future. Watch this video and tell me you don’t believe me?
And here’s the thing – it’s so beautiful because isn’t that just what God does?
Not just with these women from the slums of Uganda, but with you and me, as well?
He did with my marriage, and with my first son, and then my second, and already with my little one. He does it again and again. What Satan means for harm, He turns to good. That’s why this verse is on my refrigerator, and why I’m wearing the daylights out of these earrings.
Satan may mean it all for good, but Praise the Lord, GOD WILL MAKE BLESSINGS out of my life, and out of yours, too.
He did it on the cross and he keeps doing it.
Do you know someone who needs to hear this message? To wear it, not just as an accessory but in her heart, as a firm and real truth?
Think about it – who do you know who needs to hear this truth? I ask you to consider something from the Genesis 50:20 line as a gift. Consider a gift that speaks the truth, and gives the truth to the women making it.
And like I promised, I’m giving one of these away to you. In order to enter, I’m asking you to go to the Fashion and Compassion website. Pick one of the countries that jumps out at you. Then tell me something you liked by commenting below.

{Sorry for the blurriness, but this gives you an idea of the size of the earrings. You would think as a blogger I’d be better at selfies. But no.}
*Note: As you consider buying, note that the “Bullets to Blessing” Line (which has the Genesis 50:20 verse) is only available on the Proverbs 31 website but still made by the women at Fashion and Compassion. I encourage you to browse the rest of the Fashion and Compassion products on their own website.
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Thank you so much for sharing this! I have pinned it on my Pinterest page to come back to later when I can buy jewelry and also posted on FB so others can know about this. The earrings you posted about are by far my favorite, but the Purple & Peals Bib Necklace is also beautiful. Thanks again 🙂
Well, how cute! 🙂 I love earrings – and even more, I love giving my money to something that matters.
The owl backpack from Burundi is super cute!
Wow, I love these! My favorites are the tear drop earrings from Mexico and Honduras. They’re gorgeous and remind me of my mission trips to both countries.
I really like this concept and there are many great pieces being made by these women. I liked the Heather Bracelet from Ethiopia!
Heather necklace, triple wrap bracelet, eternity necklace… I could keep going! All so beautiful.
The USA collection stood out to me, the Heather bracelet was just stunning! The USA collection seems to encompass many of the worlds women and their different struggles. I will share this and when I’m able I hope to purchase the Heather bracelet! God bless every precious heart and hand that is making these beautiful creations!
LOVE the Zahara earrings and the abeda necklace. Actually, I love a lot more that that. 🙂
What a fantastic find! All the jewelry is beautiful and I plan on sharing the website with my friends who are looking to gift with a global mindset. I really liked the Mexican and Honduras collection, specifically the love dangle bangle and the pantina cuff. Thanks for sharing about this!
I love their jewelry!! My favorites were the loved bracelets from Mexico or paper.beads bracelets from Uganda. And of course love these earrings you scored 🙂
The Eternity Necklace is beautiful. I love making purchases that make a difference.
I love the Unity Messenger Bag made in Burundi
I like the owl backpack from Burundi
Wow; beautiful! As a collection, I love the Dignity collection because they’re chunky and colorful. I like the charm necklace, too, though. I learned that the proceeds from the Bullets to Blessings collection are donated to Hanna’s Home in Ethiopia.
These are beautiful pieces! I especially loved the Eyerus necklace from Ethiopia!
I just love unique, handcrafted ornaments, and the verdigris metal ornaments from Mexico are just beautiful!
I actually love those earrings the best, but the Heather necklace from the same collection is a close second!