Have you ever wondered if it’s possible to have a natural birth after two, even three, c-sections? I hope this inspirational story is helpful to you!
Note from Jessica: When I asked Jaimie to share her story, I had no idea how much it would touch me, inspire me. I had no idea it would bring me to tears. Friends, I hope this blesses you as it has blessed me.
Shy, timid, chicken, scaredy-cat, people-pleaser. Those are the terms that could have been used to describe me. Yes, I was that girl. Pretty much afraid of everything, pretty much addicted to worrying.
You know, the girl who is in seventh grade and screams on the Tilt-O-Whirl at the county fair and everyone (including the rednecks and carnies) stares in awkwardness as she nearly has a panic attack? That was me. I like to play it safe. I like things to be predictable and comfortable and definitely would rather please people than argue with them.
So, if anyone were to say to me, “You, Jaimie, in a few years will have a VBAC….a natural delivery after three C-sections.” I probably would have not believed them. And even if I did, I most likely would have just been plain scared and would have started to worry about it right then and there.
But it happened. I really did end up walking down that path. Just me and God. It was a journey I had to walk alone. Don’t get me wrong, I had friends and family and awesome Husband by my side. But no one could do it for me. I had to totally rely on God in this season.
My first baby was breech and delivered by cesarean section. As my local hospital didn’t allow VBACS as that time, my second and third babies were delivered the same way in the years following. So, when I found out I was expecting our fourth child, I knew I could not consent to another section. I had no peace in my heart about it.
My current OB who I thought might make an exception for me said that it would be extremely dangerous for me to go into labor as there was risk of my uterus rupturing. The thought that comes to mind immediately with a ruptured uterus is the most catastrophic – death or injury to mom and/or baby. I also met opposition from well meaning people in my life. But when I looked at the facts, I found that a “VBAC is a reasonable and safe choice for the majority of women with prior cesarean. Moreover, there is emerging evidence of serious harms relating to multiple cesareans…” The problem was, I had trouble finding a doctor to support me in this (of the women interested in VBAC, 57% are unable to find a supportive care provider or hospital).
How hard can it be, you ask? I had looked online and found other women who had found doctors, but there weren’t that many stories out there for ladies that had three sections. Let’s just say I called every doctors office that I could get ahold of that was within an hour and a half of me. After many days of phone calls, everyone told me no.
And then finally God lead me to the doctor who would support me through a trial of labor.
Little timid, shy me had to drive out of the country where I was surrounded by the cows in the fields, to downtown Cleveland and parking garages, often with my three kids in tow. So foreign to me… my heart would beat fast and my blood pressure would rise for every appointment as the city life was just not what I was used to. I had to continually fight my own thoughts and doubts whether I really could make it through labor. There was a lot of fear of the unknown.
But, my desire to birth my baby naturally, to hold her before anyone else did, to look in her eyes and have all those hormones flowing through my body from the birthing process, to not have major abdominal surgery again, and to leave the door open for more children motivated me more than my fear.
For sure I treated this like I was training for a marathon – quality nutrition, good old faithful red raspberry leaf tea, working out daily, chiropractic care, awesome doula and very real mental preparation. But really, those were all good things, but I believe that it was the Lord’s hand and guiding in all of this that allowed me to have the birth I wanted.
I leaned on Him, I had to trust Him in ways I never did before. I had to trust Him to take care of me as I followed what I knew He had lead me to do. Even if many others weren’t doing it. And I had never done it before.
Her birth touched my soul so deeply in ways I could not have fathomed at all. It was true physical, emotional and spiritual work. I pushed out my baby and reached down and took her from the doctor’s hands. I brought her to my chest and held her there in disbelief, her wet little dark haired head cupped in my hands.
I got to be with her. In those moments where is should just be mom and baby. I got that. She got that. And it still makes me cry. It was what I wanted, what I dreamed of. Like the anticipation of Christmas morning after you have prayed and begged and wished and couldn’t sleep. What I desired for many years came to be and it has rocked my world ever since.
The journey. It changed me. She was born. And so was I. A new me. No longer afraid. Through the process I grew and learned how to face the things that held me back in the past. No longer worrying about what other people thought. Not afraid to tell my doctor what I wanted and what I didn’t. God led me. He guided me. He blessed it. I did what I felt like I was supposed to do. In the end, I was able to have the birth I wanted. I learned, it doesn’t matter what man says. When I am with Him, I am safe and secure.
The wind and waves surround me
And I’m tossed, Feel like I’m drowning
I am tired, I am weak
I need You here with me
‘Cause I can feel the rising tide
But I don’t have the strength to fight
I feel clouded and confused
I need You here with me
Then through the shadows
Your light appears
I’ve known You’re with me
But now it is clear
I can feel You
Jesus All around
Now hope is rushing through my veins
With everything You’ve rearranged
I am peaceful; I am brave
When You’re here with me
All my questions find their answers here
When You come You change the atmosphere
I am focused; I am clear
When You’re here with me
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You have no idea how much this story touched me. Both of my boys were C-sections. The first was because I was induced too early and didn’t know better to resist. The second my water broke and after 24 hours I didn’t go into regular labor. Our hospital refuses to induce for VBACs, so I went under the knife again. We’re starting to think about a third and while I’ve made peace with the idea of future C-sections, I didn’t think it was possible to find a doctor or hospital that would allow a VBAC after two, let alone three! Thanks for giving me the courage to dream of a natural birth again!
Natalie, have you gotten in touch with anyone from you local ICAN (International Cesarean Awareness Network) Chapter ? They may be able to suggest doctors. Also take a look at vbacfacts.com . There is a lot of great info there!!!!
Jaimie, you are such an inspiration! What an incredible testimony and amazing story. I love you!
Beautifully written! You’re inspiring for VBAC moms and truly anyone seeking God. Can’t wait for your book!! <3
Thank you for sharing Jaimie. Beautiful.
I love hearing stories like this. I had a home birth after 4 C-sections. It was amazing to finally get the birth I always dreamed of. I had a very hard time finding anyone that would help me. So glad I did it. With our 6th pregnancy my placenta was over my cervix, so I was never able to have our 6th baby at home. I actually ended up with a hysterectomy & almost died from bleeding, the placenta attach to my scar.
Leah, that’s really so wonderful you had a homebirth. And I am so glad you are ok from your last delivery. Birth is very important and special. Thank you for sharing!
Hi Jamie! I have had 4 c-sections and would love to have more children. My husband and I trusted the info told to us about not having anymore children, so he had surgery. My heart longs for more children, and I pray God will still sneak one in there :). But, I am curious, what is the age difference between your third and fourth, which you birthed naturally? As I think about our homeschool year next year, I’m always hoping that I will be carrying around an infant while doing school with my other 4, but whether that happens or not, I trust in Gods sovereignty. Thanks for your time! 🙂
Hi Dawn! There are four years betweenthe last c-section and the VbAc. It was not planned that way though I do know some moms like a longer stretch in between in terms of healing up. There are some VbAc support groups on Facebook that you can search for. I hear your heart as I too love my babies and wanted to leave the door open for more and knew continuos sections were not the best for me. I encourage you to do your research and go where the Lord leads you!!! His ways are always the best!!!! Blessings to you!!!!
Thank you so much for sharing your story!! It gives me hope! I, too, have had 3 C-sections. My husband doesn’t want anymore children because he doesn’t want me to have to have another surgery. I got to labor for almost 24 hours with my baby but that final check from the midwife revealed my cervix was posterior. Anyway, I felt God telling me to leave it to Him for how many children He wanted to bless us with but my husband now doesn’t want to do that. I just wanted to tell you I’m so glad I ran across your story.
P.S. I homeschool too! Wish I knew you in real life! : )
So glad to share with you and pass on some hope! I am sure we would be able to relate from going through three sections! And homeschooling!!! You can keep in touch through A Vba3c Mom and Her Journey on Facebook or friend me. Thanks for saying hi!! 🙂 God bless you and your family.
Thank you so much for sharing this! I myself have had 3 C-sections. My husband and I want more children but the thought of another c-section makes me cringe. I’m praying when the time comes God will open the doors for me to have a vba3c.
Sarah, I understand the whole cringing thing in regards to going through it again!!!! It is hard when there’s no reason for another c-section other than that you have birthed your children that way in the past. I pray God will lead you when the time comes and you will take hold of the strength He provides!!!!! Nothing is impossible with Him! God bless you!!!
This is so beautiful! Praise God that you were able to experience Him in such a new way and have a birth experience you had desired. I rejoice with you for how He has redeemed your birth experience and perspective now, I am sure!
I am going to share this with my readers at Redeeming Childbirth and would encourage you to link up your birth story on our website! Many Blessings! It is such an encouragement!
Thank you Angie for your kind words. It blesses my heart. <3
I loved reading this and am so happy for you. I was able to have my first baby naturally, but then ended up having c-sections for my othere five. I was never able to find a dr. or midwife who would fully support me in a vbac delivery. There was quite a bit of fear to conquer in having those 4th and 5th c-sections as well. Even though it was a different experience for me, I can completely relate to the process of conquering fear.
Christy, thank you so much for sharing. I hear you. We need to trust God no matter how He is leading. He is faithful. And how comforting it is when we do choose to trust Him. Thank you for sharing! I love hearing how God meets others right where they are. Thank you.
Thank you so much for sharing this. I am pregnant with my third right now…and I’ve been debating a VBA2C. I tried last time and it didn’t work out, so I’ve been living in fear of trying again. I’ve been praying and praying and just begging God for the wisdom on what to do. And I am just like you…so afraid to ask for what I want. So I needed this. You just have no idea.
Ashley, thank you for being real and sharing. I get the fear part. I have also come to learn that we cannot operate in fear and faith at the same time. They are opposing. He promises to give us wisdom when we ask and not doubt (see the book of James in the Bible). I trust as you ask, He will give that to you. He is so good, Ashley. Better than we know. Seek Him, listen to Him and He will show you what is right for you. Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help you in terms of pointing you to resources etc. or even encouragement should you decide on a VBAC. Many people helped me and I am here to help others in any way I can. All the best to you! <3
Hi Jaimie! It has been a while! I was just sharing a link to your post with a friend who wants to try for a VBAC. I reread our conversation and thought I’d let you know that I had a successful VBA2C in September 🙂 Your post was very instrumental in me wanting to try AND surrendering it all to the Lord. THANK YOU!
You can read about it here if you want:
Ashley! Thank you so much for letting me know how things went for you! Congratulations! Oh, my heart rejoices with you! And I cannot wait to read your birth story! Thanks again for sharing and I wish your friend all the best. All the best, Jaimie <3
Congratulations on your VBA3C.
I can relate to your whole story, emotions etc. I had a successful VBA2C 3 years ago. It was an unplanned home birth as baby was in a huge hurry…..His Birth totally changed my confidence and how I felt about myself. It is a moment in life I will never forget as it healed so many hurts and so much pain I had carried around with me. I am currently pregnant with #4 and hoping that this baby will be another VBAC and all going well another home birth.
Amazing how God can work miracles and answer prayers.
Thank you for your kind words Andrea. I love to hear others’ stories. They inspire, encourage and allow us to know the greatness of God. Thank you for sharing. I pray that you will sense His presence in this pregnancy and delivery! Best to you!