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I am nearly seven years into this parenting gig, and JUST NOW affording myself the privilege of reading again. I guess I thought I didn’t deserve to read books anymore, because, how could I, when there are unholy amounts of Cheerios squashed in the couch cushions? Get busy on the real work, mama!!
I think the hypocrisy of it all hit me when I kept nudging Sam, my oldest and a newly-inducted member of the Chapter Book Club, “Sam, reading is awesome, isn’t it? What will you pick next?”
And then he never saw me reading.
It felt odd. And I realized it was time. I want to be a reader again. Truly, this goal of 11 books in 2016 is downright pathetic. But my hope (and inkling) is that once I catch the bug again, the actual total will rise beautifully. Here are the ones I will definitely read this year!
My 2016 Reading List:
- Seasons of a Mother’s Heart – Sally Clarkson. I’m a big fan of Sally Clarkson (loved Mission of Motherhood so much!) and this one seems to have terrific reviews. I am hoping it encourages me!
- For The Children’s Sake – This is by Francis Schaeffer’s daughter, Susan, which kind of intrigues me. I have always looked up to Francis Schaeffer, and had no idea he had children who wrote? It also has excellent reviews and is one I frequently hear recommended by homeschooling moms. I need a little dose of homeschooling direction!
- The Nesting Place – I cannot WAIT to read this! I’m been wanting to for ages! Doesn’t the cover alone just perk you right up? 🙂 Decorating, HERE I COME!
- The Strong-Willed Child – I think I read this back when Sam (my oldest) was 5 months old, and I *thought* I was dealing with a strong-willed child. 🙂 I love Dr. Dobson and am anxious to hear his practical advice, now that my children are actually grown, and actually do exhibit their wills around here.
- You and Me Forever – I know, I know…I raved all about this book in this post and told you I was going to read it. We started! One of my goals to finish. Check out the video in this post if your marriage needs some purpose.
- Sleep, It Does A Family Good – I’ve heard good things here, interested to read some of the very practical statistics about sleep – for grown-ups and kids.
- Fit To Burst – I’m already reading this one, and I’m savoring it like the bites of a decadent chocolate cake. I love this girl so much. Her earlier book, Loving the Little Years, TRULY impacts my day-to-day parenting in a way that I cannot remember a book ever doing before.. If you are a mom and you have not read Loving the Little Years, go get it right this instant. Highly recommend both.
- Money-Making Mom – I’m totally reading this book because I love the author, Crystal Payne (Money-Saving Mom). I admire her so much, and now that my blog is truly becoming a business, I’m excited to go through this book for practical Mom-Business tips.
- Real Fast Food – I follow Trina Holden on Instagram, and I’m inspired by her yummy, do-able, creative meals. Her food looks delicious, but not fussy or bizarre. Learning to widen my “real food” cooking skills is one of my goals this year and I know I’m going to love these recipes.
- Teaching From Rest – I think I’m MOST excited to read this one. I mean golly, does that not sound comforting? “Teaching from rest”? I don’t know what it means exactly, but I’m in. 🙂 Many homeschooling moms speak highly of this one, too!
- All The Light We Cannot See – Yeah…the only fiction on the list! Not too good for a former English major, huh? I typically enjoy non-fiction, but what the heck…this one has been recommended by so many people, I just need to read it.
How about you? Read any of these? Do you have specific books you plan to read in 2016?
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These sound really good! I would like to read Money Making Mom too. You’ve mentioned several times lately that your blog is starting to turn into a business, could you elaborate on that in a post? Just noticed the title of this post actually has 2015 instead of 2016. I’m really interested in that one about Teaching from a Place of Rest too. A few people have talked this year about 2016 being a year of rest. Do you have a blogging facebook group that you are involved in? I’m really looking for people that could answer questions and be a sounding board, as none of my friends are into blogging. Thanks so much!
Hi Lizzy, Thanks for pointing out that error 🙂 . Here is a terrific blogging group : . I learn all kinds of things there! I write a bit about my blogging “business” in this post : . I’d be happy to help you with any specific questions if you email me! My email is in the “about me” section. 🙂
yay! I have lots of overlap on this list, and some of your suggestions just might “bump” some off of my list!
I hardly think 11 books for the year is “pathetic.” Should my less than 11 books be considered extremely pathetic? I did peruse your list and so want to work on making reading more of a goal. But one book a month is definitely not pathetic.
As much as I enjoy reading, and as much as I’d love to get back into reading regularly I just don’t have it in me; It’s definitely not on my priority list right now! My children are 3 years old and 20 months old. It takes everything in me to keep up with them and take care of myself! Maybe in the future…
Some of these are super good – especially Money Making Mom and The Nesting Place. I definitely have Teaching From Rest on my list for the year!
Definitely Desperate by Sally Clarkson and Sarah Mae. Can’t believe it wasn’t on there! Such a breath of fresh air for moms.
Great list! And you’re gonna love Nesting Place. I received The Inspired Room for Christmas and if you like decorating even a little bit, keep that one in mind for later. The same author, Melissa Michaels, also wrote Love the Home You Have, which is also very good.
And Myquellen Smith’s sister, Emily P. freeman also has awesome books. A million Little Ways and Simply Tuesday are the only two I have, but she’s great and so is the sisters/dad Hopeologie podcast :).
For those that feel guilty about sitting down to read or those who find themselves taking library books for a round trip, unopened ride to their house and back a few renewals later, I have found audio books to be a Godsend! I get them free from my library or if it’s one I’m interested in and they don’t have it, I will break down and buy it. I simply download it to my phone and i pop the phone in my pocket and an ear bud in one ear and I listen while I clean, etc. I have listened to so many books since last summer’s reading program at the library when I learned audio books would count. When one of your littles needs you, hit pause, lay it aside and come back to it when you’re able. Can’t wait to pick up the titles you have listed! Thanks!
I hope you made your goal! I’ve read about half of those and they were good! I think there are better philosophies out there for strong minded children than Dr Dobson’s. Aha Parenting would be a place to start, along with Dulce de Leche. I’m adding some of these books to my 2017 list–which is how I found you 🙂
Thanks for the tips!