Today’s post features my “Weekend Warrior,” and, y’all, we have a BORING ALERT. When You see the picture of the book today, you are going to close the browser and never buy it.
I became introduced to this series of “Christian Missionary Heroes” through Sonlight’s homeschool reading program. I would have never ever in a bazillion years picked up a book called “George Mueller” with a cover like this.
But we had to read it, for school. I’m the mom, after all. What could I do? Inside I was a skeptic. But that little book. It changed me, for real. Don’t you love when books do that? Unexpectedly?
So I searched for more books in this series, and found this one:
Again, BORING ALERT. “Gladys Aylward”? What a name! I’m going to give these guys a D- for intriguing covers. But the story?
The best.
And here is the part where I explain how I’m a lazy Christian. Let me tell you about Gladys. Gladys Aylward got the idea that the Lord wanted her to be a missionary in China when she was a little girl. She knew no one or nothing about China. She just had an idea.
(When I think I have an idea that comes from God, I expect him to pave open the floodgates of heaven and make it the easiest, most positive experience I will ever have. Because, HELLO! It was God’s plan in the first place. I am always shocked and dismayed if things are the teensiest bit difficult. And maybe give up. That is me.)
Not Gladys.
With nothing but a vision to go on, Gladys determined to make her dream of ministering to the Chinese people a reality. The obstacles she faced include (but are not limited to, as I am not finished the book):
- getting told she was too dumb to be a missionary
- working for years cleaning houses to raise money to be a missionary (literally years, saving every penny)
- standing up and practicing her preaching in the middle of London, just to get better at it
- taking a train into a military battlefield in Russia, because it was the cheapest route to China
- On the route to China: being taken prisoner twice / running out of food / spending three nights sleeping on snow and nearly freezing to death
- walking for 3 days to a small village
- riding mules for 1 day to an even smaller village
- And then, when she actually arrived, being SPIT AT and THROWN MUD AT by the Chinese – the very people she came to minister to. (They called foreigners “devils.”
Probably the first one.
Reading this completely inspirational story reminds me that:
- My Christian life is way too easy
- I give up way too easily
- I expect life to be happy and comfortable
- Jesus gave up everything for us, and we are to lay down our lives as well.
This whole book is like a foreign language to our Netflix / fast-food / disposable everything / reach-for-your-dreams society.
But goodness gracious do we need it.
If you have kids, and you like to read to them, for goodness sakes buy this book. Buy the series, actually.
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We have about ten of these books lined up to read next year for third grade! I just love that the kids are going to be hearing such dedication and perseverance… They might actually start to think that’s normal! But like you, I have a harder time 😉
I look forward to experiencing this book – bad cover and all!
Putting this on my list of my “must reads” to the kids one day! I so look forward to the days of reading to my older children out loud! Of course, they can take their sweet precious time getting older 😉
I love those books!! My favorite is On a Wing and a Prayer. About Nate Saint.
We love these books at our house. I can tell you they left an indelible mark on my children who are now in their upper teens! (and me, too ;))
My parents read me those stories when I was a kid… but I had forgotten. So needed this post today! Thank you!
Everyone of the YWAM books are incredible! I know it’s been a couple of years since this post but if you haven’t heard of these please look them up……the Torchlighters series of videos about Christian heroes. I got them through Voice Of The Martyrs, but they are available, even on Netflix! 30 minute cartoon story with lessons that you can do with kids. There are also interviews and more “real” footage about each person at the end of each video. They are amazing for all ages!