We all know there is a difference – but to try to articulate how Democrats and Republicans are different can be tricky! This post attempts to be an objective explanation – What is a Republican? What is a Democrat? And even a child can understand this!
Jessica’s Note: Do you ever get confused trying to explain the difference between Republicans and Democrats to your children? I took my boys (ages 6 and 5) with me to vote in our primaries. It seemed like a good idea, and plus, everyone on Instagram was doing it. 🙂 They were perfectly behaved until the shade-in-the-ballot part, when they had a rather loud fight discussion over who got to color.
On the way home, my oldest barraged me with all types of questions. “Mom, who did you vote for? Why? What do the other guys do that you don’t like?” etc. etc.
I consider myself well-infomed, but I found myself a little tongue-tied and confused trying to explain Republicans vs. Democrats to a child. I wondered if any of you felt that way, also?
Whenever I am confused about politics, I go to my cousin Rebecca. Her credentials are impressive – Political Science major, law degree, former prosecutor.
But more than that, she is wise. I remember being a spreading-my-wings teenager when I had an uncomfortable thought. What if my parents’ beliefs are wrong? What does being a Republican or Democrat really mean?
So I asked Rebecca. And two decades later, her words still ring in my ears. I appreciate her wise words, and how she has attempted to remain unbiased as she describes the differences.
How To Explain The Difference Between Republicans And Democrats (Even To A Child)
Politics are confusing, even for adults. This year’s political cycle is even more confusing than most. Anything that confuses and parents is sure to raise questions in children.
As the primaries roll on, many children are asking questions about the two major political parties and what all the arguing means. This year’s political cycle is more emotionally charged than most. Those emotions can make it difficult for parents to fairly explain political differences to children. Goodness knows, as an avid sports fan, I could not objectively describe the rivalry between the New York Yankees and the Boston Red Sox.
As a public service, I have endeavored to distill the differences between the parties into fair terms that children can understand.
To keep the baseball analogy alive, the two parties are like the American and the National Leagues in baseball. If you have a little sports fan in your home, perhaps this analogy might help. In politics, the primaries are like the early playoff rounds. The parties will pick their winner like the American and National Leagues pick theirs. In baseball, the league winners play in the World Series. In politics, the primary winners will face off in the general election. The winner of the general election becomes President of the United States.
Jessica’s note: Here’s another take on it, in case your kids aren’t eloquent in the language of baseball. 🙂 Imagine the boys and the girls in a class wanted to see who was the best at something. The boys would have a contest to pick their very best boy. That’s like the primary. And then all the girls would pick their best girl. And then everyone in the school would choose between the best boy, and the best girl. The winner over all is like the President.
Back to our baseball analogy. In baseball, there are differences between the leagues. One league has a designated hitter and considers the foul poll “fair.” The other league does not.
Basic Differences Between Republicans and Democrats
Because politicians are individuals, it is hard to speak in absolutes. The differences I am about to describe are generalities. They are also based on the modern era of the parties (which begin with Ronald Reagan and Tip O’Neil).
The Role Of Government
In the most general terms, the biggest difference between the parties comes down to the view of the proper role of government.
The Republican party generally believes that it is the responsibility of individuals and communities to take care of people in need. The Democratic party generally believes that the government should take care of people. In general, the Republican party believes that if government needs to do a job then it is best for the local governments like cities and counties to make those decisions. The Democratic party believes that the federal government has more resources and is therefore in a better position to do those jobs.
Practical example for a child: There are a lot of people who don’t have enough food to eat. Republicans believe that people like you and me should help them, and our churches should help them. The Democrats believe that the government needs to spend its money to help them get food.
What Should Laws Be Based On?
In terms of making laws about right and wrong, Republicans are generally more comfortable making laws about families and children based on what is written in religious books. Democrats believe that it is not appropriate for government to interfere with people’s choices about families and children.
Practical example for a child: If your child is old enough, this is a good opportunity to appropriately introduce a concept such as of abortion and/or gay marriage. My oldest is six, and I have not introduced these topics yet. (I’m curious when you all have done so?)
How to Deal With Greedy Businesses
Republicans believe that when businesses are tempted to be greedy then the customers will keep that greed in check. Democrats believe that the government should step in to stop businesses from being sinful.
How To Avoid Wars
One of the most important jobs that a President has is to decide when the country goes to war. Neither party wants America to fight in wars. Most Republicans believe that the best way to stay out of wars is to have a strong army that other people are afraid to fight. Most Democrats believe that the best way to stay out of wars is to be cooperative and not intimidate other countries.
Choosing Judges
Another important job of the President is to pick Supreme Court justices. Traditionally, Republicans believe that Supreme Court justices should make their decisions based on what the founding fathers originally wrote in the Constitution. Democrats tend to believe that Supreme Court justices should make decisions based on what they think is right or wrong for our country now in modern times.
Although there is right and wrong in the world, it is important to remember that no political party is actually called by God to rule the nation. Neither party is the House of David, and most people in both parties do truly want to what is best for our nation.
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Republicans vs Democrats Printable
I’d love to know: Do you agree with this analysis? If you don’t, or you’d like to add something, please clarify below!
Bio: Rebecca Wetzel has a B.A. in political science from Grove City College, and a J.D. from Washington and Lee University School of Law. She is a former prosecutor for over a decade in VA and a founding partner in the law firm of Wetzel and Washburn. In her spare time, she shares totally yummy recipes and thoughtful sports reflections at Banshee Sports.
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this was great and helpful!!
This is great. Simple nonaccusitory, factual statements. Honestly if I didn’t know you I wouldn’t know which side you were on! Wouldn’t it be great if today’s news journalists could be like this; stating facts not opinions? There would be so much less division among the people. I believe your statement to be true, that, ” Neither party is the House of David, and most people in both parties do truly want to what is best for our nation”.
Some good explanations in here, but I see no sources. Where did you find this information? Or is this all your assumptions/opinions? I think many would dispute that Democrats don’t choose judges who hold up our constitution and laws. Are you saying that Democratic presidents actually look for this criteria? Where is an example of this? – That a Democratic president sought out a judge who did not hold up the constitution and laws.
That isn’t what was said. Republicans want judges to hold firm to the constitution as it is in the original form. It does not change. Democrats believe the constitution is more of a living, changing document open for interpretation based on what the values are at the time they are presented with a case.
Also I would like to ensure I. My GOP Dr opinion. We Republican s do beleive we should take of the needy, and we have missed the mark. Democrats have do E better at this using g taxes as a central Help Station. To give out Funds, HOMES, large ammountS of desaster releif funs. Werepublicans as churches can’t help as many people
I dividially but collectively adding funds through taxes we can. I think pointing out that during your explanation would be a good standard and truth.
Agree! This is a bucketload of righty bias. Nice try Trumpers. So transparent to those of us not on your hate KoolAid!
Choosing judeges for “the times” is great, in a country where the powers of government are not limited as they are in this country, by the founding document of this country, namely the Constitution. The Founders, essentially limited governemnt, and gave it no rights, it’s not duty was to protect citizen’s rights, and defend the nation. It is that simple. Frankly anyone who thinks gverrnment is the answer should move to Europe or Canada.
The federal government should not be involved in marriage, and even the states shouldn’t be. 90% of what our federsl government does is Un-Constitutional. For the left in this country, government is the be all end all. That is totalitarianism, and not freedom. The right screws up when it lets religion dictate policy. Neither side truly embraces the Constitution.
Well Said!!
Fair analysis but it’s important to understand where those philosophies originate. This book does an awesome job of explaining it:
You need to cite your source for saying that one baseball league does not consider the foul “poll” (pole) fair.
Thank you! I used a similar way to explain the election process, but was at a loss on explaining parties. This helps 🙂
This is a perfect explanation of how to provide a seeming unbiased message in a manner to shape the minds of younger people towards and the beliefs of a specific person. Good job internet!
I feel like this is almost perfect. Where I beg to differ is on the point about laws regarding marriage and religion. Right now, the Democrat party is concerned with making laws that require a more open view of marriage and religion. When a company or educational institution has religious beliefs that disagree with the Democrat view of marriage (or abortion etc), the party is likely to oppose. I’m not sure how I would address this with kids in a way that seems neutral, because I definitely have a clear opinion. 🙂
I do like that the comparison is made relatively neutrally–I’m sure my extended family isn’t the only one where politics can lead to some heated conversations and some opinions that the other side are all “bad guys.”
Thank you for explaining this in such simple terms. As a Canadian, I find American politics SO confusing. This helps clarify it for me, even if it’s in a very simplified form.
I do not believe that your description of the parties is neutral. Your verbage and general descriptions favors the Democratic viewpoint. You,of course,have a right to your own views. I just don’t believe you can call them neutral.
Ha! well, I guess the article is pretty unbiased then. I actually tend to align with the Republican Party, as does the author. 😉
DUH! Those of us out here with a still-functioning cerebral cortext didnt miss that. Not transparent at all. ^Re-read some of these Republican comments (about your oh-so-revered founding fathers and special “document” ) – what of that now oh ye Executive Orders? You are now ALL living in a dictatorship – we will check in in 4 years and see how that’s working out – ESPECIALLY laughable to a Canadian, are the comments about Republicans caring for the worlds’ most vulnerable people.
Pay your Tariffs Canada!! I’m sorry I had to say that. I was joking.
i try to alighn with democratuic
Interestingly, the first time I read it I thought it was biased.
After I reread it, it was more that I didn’t lean on my party’s view in one area.
I do think it is a good balanced explanation which I struggle with when describing political parties on a basic level.
Which party I align with is personal due to the fact that I find the conversations not always stimulating, but loaded with opinions and emotions. The latter which I am subject fall into and I can understand various opinions quite easily.
The only one I’d (respectfully) disagree with is the marriage and children laws. Republicans believe this is a state issue, not a Supreme Court issue. A lot of republicans stand on the side of “marriage is between a man or a woman,” which in my opinion, is only to appeal to their conservative voters, when the real issue is they want it overturned by the Supreme Court NOT because of the issue of same-sex marriage, but because it should have never been decided by the Supreme Court in the first place. So it’s not a matter of what they want for laws, but goes back to your first issue of the power of decision going to the state level.
Angela, I agree. Saying that marriage and children are decided by religious books sounds like that is the only factor contributing to that belief. No matter how many laws you make or change, science isn’t going to change procreation. If people want to marry someone of the same sex it doesn’t affect me. Violence and hatred on either side affects everyone. I do like that it was pointed out that politicians are individuals and don’t always do things perfectly.
im a 13 and i needed it explained to me so thanks alot !
I found this article very informative and unbiased. Great teaching tool for my homeschool students, thank you:)
Explain through a simple example:
After doing chores one day, award your kid a hard earned piece of candy or toy. Tell them that they did a good job and that they should enjoy their prize. This is the republican belief system.
The next day after they do their chores, again give them their hard earned piece of candy or toy. Tell them that they did a good job but now take the prize and give it to their lazy brother who didn’t do his chores. This is the democrat belief system.
I think they can figure it out from there.
Also ideally you’ll have both a son and a daughter. Be sure that you give your son 2 pieces while your daughter gets only 1 even if they did the same chores and even if she worked harder than him and when she asks why he gets two first say that he worked harder than her & when she sees that she worked just as hard if not harder you can then tell her that you gave them both the same amount of candy. You should point out that yes in the past you’d give him more since he’s a boy but now you treat them equally however still continue to give him more and continue to deny he’s getting more than her.
Pretty sure you missed that the author was attempting to not be biased in the explanation to a child & while I found your explanation extremely hilarious and did make me lol it is clearly biased not completely accurate like mine, it’s too extreme
The next day he earned his candy, but shared it with his brother who couldn’t work because he was sick in bed. that is the liberal stance.
No, that’s the Republican stance.
No, more like you get 10 candies for doing your chore and then mom gives one to your brother who never gets any candy because mom literally won’t give him any chores to do. Thanks for explaining that Republicans lack empathy and that’s the difference, though.
You use the word LAZY, which is not True when it comes to the Disabled & elderly or underserved communities in. Education & healthcare leading to illness that is the Republicans down fall.
Thanks for this! I teach 5th grade History and often have difficulty describing the parties in an unbiased way, especially as we are trying to discuss larger issues. Thanks again 🙂
I think this is a great explanation for elementary age kids! Your cousin did an awesome job lining it out the differences without making it difficult to understand. My view is democrat and I would like to reiterate what you are trying to explain, and to whom you are explaining it to.
This goes out to all the over thought comments.
It is for kids, not for adults, don’t be so rude Jane.
I thought it would make it easier for them to understand if I wrote like an elementary school book. 🙂
Good Job Jessica!
Thank you so much for the kind words!
As soon as you said you hadn’t introduced the concept of being gay to your child, is when I knew you were a Republican, lol
The child is young, did that ever cross your mind. That is a confusing subject that a child needs to wrap his or her brain around.
Wow! I want you to be better at this! You are an uncanny demographic of a republican who chooses not to learn about the Democratic Party or anything different from how you were raised. Thanks for the simpleton version of your opinion. Appealing to children might be your best outlet. Maybe look into things before you write anything.
Really? It actually sounded like the republican side was made to look worse, as a democrat myself.
Who should help people – the government
Yeah. I work at a youth homeless shelter and we’d be nothing without government funding. Local donations help a ton, but people in reality just aren’t as generous as republicans expect them to be. Probably the same people who worry about their hard-earned money going to social programs. If you don’t already agree with the necessity of social programs I don’t know what will change your mind. Putting money in to change their lives from homeless or felon to holding down a job and having a place to stay is actually in the long term saving the country money, if human compassion isn’t your thing. It’s so expensive just to house offenders and the mentally ill at the rate we do, not to mention lesser known things like the cost of emergency healthcare services.
Government shouldn’t interfere with personal choices – just duh. Thought this was supposed to be a free country. At least pretend to be one.
Government should step in – Anyone who has been a Comcast customer a few years or more should understand this. How can the citizens control greedy companies if the company has a monopoly and your only other option is going without?
Army is where things get a little more up to debate in my eyes. I just don’t see the value of going overboard on a standing army. Lots of better places to put that money that could even pay for themselves.
And not considering an outdated document written by someone who was alive hundreds of years ago as absolute undisputable fact sounds pretty typically anti-rightwing.
So what was so bad about the democratic side that makes it look worse than the republican?
Hey Rick! In regards to greedy businesses…I am SO in agreement with you! If it’s an employer/employee situation, an employee has very little protection in regards to government laws and rules. My husband and I each had bad experiences. To make long story short, we both lost our jobs due to medical complications, with mine mostly being caused from being expected to work 70 plus hours a week for many months due to job duties being increased because of consolidation of company locations. My only protection was 12 weeks medical leave. Since I had to be off 6 months, it terminated my protection, but I was allowed to return and was put into training at minimum wage. Note: I was the one and only Distribution Supervisor of 60 employees before I became ill, and had been employed with this company for 29 years. After returning to work as a trainee, which was a joke as you can imagine, my doctor put me on medical leave a 2nd time. The 1st day after my 12 week medical leave, a letter of termination was postmarked to be mailed to me., stating that the company had no job openings to offer me. End of story…and even though this happened in 2002, it still breaks my heart.
That was very well said thanks so much even at 46 Years of age this is very insightful i have four children ranging in ages 19,13,10,7 i’m looking forward to any questions they unload on me i will refer to this piece of literature.
After reading this, I know that the writer is biased. To me, it makes this article invalid. There is a clear bias. I want to see something that portrays both sides at their best…and at their worst.
Completely agree. The big red flag is when the preface states it’s unbiased.
Both the National and American Leagues consider the foul pole to be in fair territory.
My name is Greg and I thought your article was really close to been spot on. The only change or not really change but add to is the “Laws about marriage or children” part. I believe that they are based off religious books and/or our Constitution. I would consider myself a Republican and I would also consider this piece unbiased. Well written and I really appreciate you taking the time to write it.
Thank You
Greg Bennett
I find it interesting. I searched for what is a Republican on firefox and it was pretty right on. I searched the same thing on google and it brought up your site. Which has to throw in Democrats as well. Not cool. And your way off base. Obviously Democrat. Shane on Google and you.
This seems kinda bias.. I don’t like what was said abou republicans or democratics… I think it’s wrong. And the person who wrote this is one sided… I won’t say what I am.. but I don’t agree with either of what is said.
This is awesome. May our organization take excerpts from this to use at our Fair Booth?
Thank you so much for the great information and the analogies for the two parties. I had a question this afternoon about the beliefs for each party, and like you I became tongue tied! I told my class that I would do some research and give them the answer because I didn’t want to give them the wrong information!
From a Grateful teacher in New Jersey.
Being what I consider an unbiased person, this confirmed what I had already determined. I’m neither a Democrat or a Republican, as I agree with both, depending on what issue it is in regards to. Is this NOT normal, as I don’t dare admit this to anyone who is strictly a one party person without getting raked over the coals! Lol! I read the comments shared by others, and was really confused when you were accused of being bias, as the accusations weren’t just toward one party.
It’s fair there are some points that I was use both,
The difference between the two parties are how they believe government should address governing. Republicans believe in a republic government. Democrats believe in a democratic government. Issues or structure of government rather they be financial or social in nature have absolutely no bearing on the core governing beliefs of the parties. Democrats believe in the founding principles of majority law. Republicans believe in law by representation.
I am now a Democrat
I am now a Democrat. Government should help people in need
This is helpful! Thank you!
My only disagreement is with how laws should be made. Democrats are more than willing to make laws to control families when they align with their worldview. I’ll take a stab at a different explanation:
Democrats and Republicans have different views of how people behave, and therefore they have different views on how to write laws to control behavior.
Republicans believe that what is right and what is wrong never changes. It applies at all times and places, for all people. So if lying was wrong 100 years ago in Africa, lying is still wrong today in America. Religious Republicans believe this law comes from God. Republicans believe there will always be evil in the world and evil people who perpetuate it, so we must make laws based on the timeless moral law to punish the evil we know will happen.
Democrats believe what is right and wrong should be determined by each individual. What is right for you may be wrong for me, or what is wrong now might be right in 10 years. They try to write laws that allow people to do what they think is their “right thing.”
Both sides believe the other sides’ view of morality hurts individuals and communities.
Over 20 years ago I explained the difference between Democrats and Republicans in a very simple way. My children have never forgotten it:
Democrats care more about people
Republicans care more about money.
Sounds like the author is Republican. Is that so?
I’d love to see you add additional slots for gun laws, energy, abortion (although that can be difficult to discuss), even the concept of taxes (another tough one to discuss).
Loved reading your approach. I don’t agree with the generalities that oversimplify complicated issues, and feel that some of the analysis for presentation is leaning one way more than another. But, to me this is understandable because status quo has been identified, portrayed and taught for some superficially based ideas.
For instance, about businesses that go too far. The right is completely behind the interferrence with truly corrupt businesses and were instrumental in shaping the anti-trust laws – because big corporations can destroy small business. So All I would add is that the customers would shape the ethics of a business, and where the people can’t do something, the government would then intercede.
For the concept of marriage, I come from the era that shot down the traditional form of marriage as antiquated. The free love society and many self identified groups were pretty much anti-marriage. The religious believe so much in the sanctity of the marriage beyond just the license, and would instead believe that all the things outside of monogamous relationships being formally acknowledged by the community was sound sense under faith. To violate that sanctity is much harder if there is an accountability to a higher power. If it was just a trendy approach, the basis of marriage is suspect.
And for the Constitution, the authors were worldly in mind with the vast knowlege of human behavior through history. They knew that human nature would always lean toward a more powerful authority over the people, so the basis of the Constitution is to keep the government in check and not to ever walk above and over the people, as they are of, by and for the people. Modern times is an excuse that ignores the instilled wiring of some humans to overcome and overpower the masses. The Constitution is a shield against that. In fact, Obama rightly stated that the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties. Negative? From what perspective? From the side of government. So who hold the posite liberties of that charter? The people. The Bill of Rights keeps that power with the people. The remainder causes the elected employees of the people to keep themselves in check. Government by that view is to walk along side with the people, and only exists because of the authority of the people delegated into the employees. Even the president is only an employee of the people. Paycheck, benefits and delegated authority.
I know this is a lot for a child to grasp, but the issue is that children must learn the fundamentals more than the contrast. By understanding the fundamentals, it becomes easier to recognize both where the power belongs (with the people) and what we can call on government to do. We don’t exist at the approval of the government. They exist on the approval of the People. The more independent we are with respect of others, the less government we need. The more united we are under true equality (without labels and division of demographics – as all members of one society), the less we need government to place us under categories for their management and approval.
Several years I wrote a piece called the “class divide” and it was the contrast of what philosophies arise when teachers teach one class that every group in the class should be seen as different, while the other class sees eachother as equals but individually unique. The teacher teaching that their classroom of groups is looked down at by the other class – that they think things of the other class and their groups. As they hear this, they hear the other class cheering and excited – like a team. As the other class hears this, they begin to believe that all those in the other class are prejudiced and are more successful.
What do you think happens on the playground at recess? Division. Friends are untrusting of eachother. Differences of alliances occur. Prejudices are built on the assumption of what they were taught, that the others in the other class look down on them. The other class, unaware of the situation, begin to act in defense. They are being sneered at, accused of things they never even thought of. Other kids are distancing themselves from them as they are stared at. They thought they were all part of the same school. Same team, everyone unique but united on some foundational levels. Now friends are dividing.
You get the picture.
My proposal as someone that was raised by democrats, is that the reliance on stereotypes is necessary to identify the problems with the republicans, and the benevolent perspectives of the democrats. But the truth is that we are all republicans based on the ideas because of the constitution. Military size has nothing to do with republican or democrat – the biggest authoritarian anti-right wing governments are militant even upon their own people, with huge displays of the military constantly in the face of their own people as they police their own people. Cuba’s leader is always in uniform. N. Korea, China, and previously Russia and Germany. The US and our presidents are never in uniform with exception to the first President at times, but usually in formal attire all other times.
Anyway, I do love the presentation, but do not agree with the contrasts. The truth is that the contrast comes down to two sides – a government the people can manage and keep control of, or a government that becomes superior, manages the people as superiors and can control.
My approach would be to teach that we are not so far apart from eachother, because we aren’t, but that people are working to make sure we are apart. Conservatives in general aren’t for those lines of division – a citizen is a citizen and each person unique and considered as one as much as any other. A member of a store is not measured by who they are, what group they come from, how old, how straight, how rich, poor, color, personal history or group history compared to another, etc. They are members, and that is all that matters. The rules of conduct between eachother may have to be revised for better understanding, but the fundamentals stay the same.
We would do alot better if we could build more bridges between us instead of tearing them down. 😉
First, thank you for giving me a place to start when teaching my grandson about government and elections. Right now, it is important for him to understand that people are on a political continuum. All Democrats do not think alike, but generally agree on certain core principles. All Republicans do not think alike, but generally agree on certain core principles. Generally Democrats approve of more government control over business, education, the environment, and health care. Generally Republicans approve of smaller government with less influence over business, education, the environment and health care. There are strong supporters of the military on both sides of the aisle. Members in both parties also agree that there are times when the government has the responsibility to help its citizens in a “hands on” fashion. Examples would be natural disasters or the current pandemic. Of course, especially in this time, there is the controversy on how the United States Constitution should be interpreted as well as The Bill of Rights. I guess one of my greatest concerns is that children aren’t being taught and given the opportunity to practice the civic virtues; such as, civility, accountability, respect, self-sacrifice and cooperation. All necessary for a democracy to flourish.
Accurate documentation on voting records can be found at https://www.senate.gov/legislative/HowTo/how_to_votes.htm.
This is great and helpful awesome job. I can now say I understand the difference between a Democrat and a Republican thanks so much.
You call that nonbiased? Looks like you tried but towards the end of each category you slid into slanting it towards your own political party hoping it would go unnoticed! I’ll keep on searching!