There are two types of people in this world. People who are fascinated by elections, and people who fall asleep during elections. I am married to the latter, and baffling as it is, he was able to go to bed BEFORE WE KNEW WHAT HAPPENED. The Weirdest.
Elections thrill me, so this unpredictable one, 2016, had an extra bedtime adrenaline rush involved.
What I can’t stop thinking about – what is most fascinating to me about this one (and yet sad too), is HOW POLARIZING THIS ELECTION IS IN THE CHURCH.
Going through my Facebook feed, the church body seems like a schizophrenic version of itself. EVEN WITHIN MY OWN PEOPLE, my dearest in the world, there is COMPLETE opposition and disagreement.
Some believers are PRAISING THE LORD for a Republican sweep of the nation. They feel on-their-knees grateful that God answered prayers to preserve the hope of freedom and the fight for life. Praise the Lord. He’s given our nation another chance.
Other sisters and brothers, equally devout, are weeping, despondent, confused. They’re angry and sad, reminding each other that God is on the Throne, even though it appears He didn’t answer.
ALL THIS – from the same Body. Victory and defeat. Hope and despair. Both of these from true believers praying to the same God, fervent in their Christian faith. One feels gratified, the other forsaken. How can this be?
It is a little disconcerting.
I’ve never remembered an election where the Church looked so GENUINELY CONFUSED about what It Knows Is Right. There’s no rhyme or reason. You can’t group liberals on one side and conservatives on the other. Nope, that won’t work. It’s not a male vs. female. You can’t track it on pro-life vs. pro-choice. It’s not tied to big government vs. small government.
We. Just. Disagree.
(And strongly, it seems.) This week, by chance, the boys and I have been saying a passage from Ephesians:
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
I’m a feisty one, and it’s not really the answer my flesh wants right now. I like having an enemy with a face, who needs correcting.
But this verse? It’s what I need to hear.
We have an enemy. All of us. And it is the same.
Our enemy is not Hillary Clinton. Our enemy is not Donald Trump. Our enemy is not the Muslims, or the gay-haters, the right-wing militia or the liberal media. It’s not the upper class, the lazy, the abortionists, or the women-haters. Our enemy is not that Christian sister who JUST. DOES. NOT. GET. IT.
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
I hate when people try to heal existential shotgun wounds with a bandaid, and that is not what I am suggesting. I am not suggesting that we all shut up, roll over, and docilely play dead in mock agreement.
There are some REAL, SIGNIFICANT issues facing our culture right now, and the Church simply HAS to get it together.
But I’m sorry – that is NOT going to happen with a few trendy #lovewins and #jesusisking hashtags.
It’s gritty, dirty, messy stuff to work out issues. It’s like marriage. We have to go there, to all the awful Disagreeing Places, because you don’t have a choice. We have to hear the other side, and realize there is something worth hearing, something you hadn’t considered. You have to say Your Own Things, that are awkward and hurt people’s feelings.
Yes, it’s like marriage…You disagree, and you work at it, and you argue, and you spend some nights on the other side of a slammed door with weepy tissues BUT YOU NEED IT, AND YOU NEED EACH OTHER, AND YOU GET THROUGH IT.
Congrats and I’m sorry.
And now let’s get to work. We have an enemy to fight.
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I agree with a lot of what you’re saying. This being the second election I can vote in, I had a particularly difficult time choosing how to vote. And while I’m certainly not heartbroken Hillary lost, I’m also not jumping for joy. Because our struggle is truly with sin and no matter who runs our country, they’re not what can save us. Thats what I wrote about today on my little baby blog. I don’t think there was any “good” choice. And also, I think we all need to remember that the outcome of this election was decided a long time ago. This is part of God’s plan, even if we don’t understand it.
I did not care for either candidate, but in prayer felt to vote for Trump, of course, I may be wrong. Now that it’s over, the matter has got to be on our knees praying for our authorities. Complaining, criticizing, and railing are not a part of our language. Praise, thanksgiving. Yea! Phil 4:8- what are we thinking on. What’s in our hearts, because it’s ever coming out our mouths? Christ is not coming back for a fractured bride, but a holy one. And the best place to begin is again, on our knees! : /
Good job on writing this one! I agree, going through my facebook feed is so violent, we just gotta keep praying. There are some equally strong opinions here in Australia about who won, and we were watching to see what happened too, though thankfully it was about 3pm our time when a winner was declared.
Yep, Jessica you nailed it. We have to work through it. We do have to go there.we need to build bridges of mutual understanding and respect so we can heal.
Yes, yes, and yes, Jessica. I am sharing this on my FB pronto!
Thank you so much for this post. It is absolutely true. We are not only a country divided, but a church divided. It’s exactly what the enemy wants. It has been heart wrenching to see the heated and hateful responses to this election result. Thank you God for really being the one in control.
This has been my favorite Christian post I’ve read since Tuesday. There is a lot of healing to be done, and we must do it. The future of our nation depends on it.
Thank you so much for putting into words what others have been unable to do. It is not us against them. We as one have to work together for the good of all. My husband and I just celebrated 37 years together, not all of them were easy but we are still together. We still love each other and respect each other even when we disagree. Again thank you for your words of wisdom.