note: this post contains affiliate links. Also it is a time-sensitive issue. Offer ends this week.
Exciting title, I know. Can you believe my husband accuses me of being over-dramatic? 🙂 In all seriousness, I’m not going to talk about the zombie-apocalypse.
But I am going to talk about something rather alarming. You see, in the last four months, our family has received TWO separate “Public Service Notices” from the city government.
- The first notice we received in our mailbox, alerting us that our water had “above the maximum contaminant” levels of a particular chemical. Not to worry, because they were working on it.
- A few months later, we got a text from my brother (who also lives in the area) asking, “Does your water taste like chlorine? I feel like our house smells like a swimming pool.” Sure enough, a few days later we got ANOTHER notice that said there was a chlorine leak and they were “working on identifying the source.”
Do you know how bothered I was by these issues?
Not at all, actually.
Not one ounce.
Do you know why?
Because I own one of these. A Berkey water filter, which removes 99.99% of:
- viruses
- pathogenic bacteria
- fecal organisms (!!!)
- medicines
- heavy metals
- arsenic
- and more
I did not receive this Berkey as a blogging perk. I bought it. With our hard-earned money. Even during a difficult financial time.
But we do not regret it for a second. I love that we are drinking clean water. I love that if we have an emergency, we can use rain water or pool water or contaminated water, and presto, out of the Berkey have clean water for our family.
We’re constantly telling our kids: get a drink, have some water, drink some water, etc. etc. Now I KNOW that the water isn’t doing more harm than good – that it is clean and safe water.
This week only, you can join the Berkey co-op that I did, and receive a 15% discount on your Berkey, plus a 50% discount on accessories, like filters.
I’m sure you want to know the bottom line – how much does this cost? You can view the order form here, but here are a few options:
- Big Berkey (what I have, pictured above, good for families of 3-4) normally $263, now $223
- Berkey Light (plastic, budget-option, still works the same) normally $236, now $200.
If you have been debating a Berkey, now is the time. You only have until Sunday, May 17th to receive the co-op discounts. If you have any questions or would like to place an order, email me directly at jessicasmartt (at) and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.
You can also purchase emergency food during the co-op sale. If you’re curious about the water filters, foods, accessories, this is the site.
Because this is a special invitation-only co-op, you need to purchase through me. Email me your questions and orders directly, and I will add you to the group. I sure hope some of you are able to grab a filter! Here are a few questions I get asked a lot.
- Q: I have a fridge filter/Brita. Do I really need a Berkey. A: Short answer, yes. The bottom line is that a fridge filter or Brita is removing ONLY A SMALL AMOUNT of all the contaminants. They are not effective at removing VOCs, heavy metals, endocrine disruptors or fluoride. (source)
- Q: How often do I have to buy a replacement filter? A: Probably once every year or two, and they are around $50.
- Q: Is it big? Is it ugly? Does it have to sit on my counter? A: I love the way mine looks. It does sit on my counter at the edge. I actually like the way it looks.
- Q: When does this sale end? A: Friday. Seriously, email me now. jessicasmartt (at)
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I want to purchase one today!! I’ve sent an email to ya, looking forward to more info. Thanks!