At the risk of sounding like a grandpa, when did things get so expensive? I’m pretty sure I filled my car up with gas in high school (my suburban, mind you) for twenty bucks or so. I’m always shocked now when McDonalds cheeseburgers aren’t $.49. Why in the world does it cost $4.95 to buy a simple birthday card? And don’t even get me started on life insurance, chicken breast, or baby shoes. It’s crazy.
It doesn’t help that I’m frugal by nature. For me, spending money always seems to feel wrong, like eating the last oreo at a guest’s house, or texting in church. But there are a few things, a few wonderful things, which, even in these inflated times, make me feel happy, and smart, and righteous even, for buying. Here is my personal opinion, for shoppers or scrimpers, of things priced right and worth the money.
– Victoria’s Secret yoga pants. My use of the word “righteous” earlier now seems a little misplaced. But seriously. The $29.99 I spent five years ago made initial appearances in the gym and mall. Those pants followed me on my honeymoon, through years of saturday house cleaning, and yes, even into the hospital to deliver a baby. Or maybe it was a few weeks later. Whatever. They are beyond comfortable without looking comfortable.
– Our internet. Random, yes. But I feel the need to share that for $19.95 a month, Time Warner supplies us with perfectly acceptable fast speed of wireless access. And hours of time wasted. So thanks. (?)
– Harris Teeter. Yes, Bilo is cheaper. But at Bilo do they put my groceries in the car? Do they reward me for my frequent shopping with free cookies at Starbucks? Do they offer me random terrific deals like this week’s 24 water bottles for $1.88? And most importantly, do they make me feel, for one hour of the week, like I am good enough to deserve organic raspberries that are not moldy in the bottom? No, they do not.
– Pampers wipes. Sam has all but told me in his own words, please only buy Pampers wipes. They are the right amount of moist, soft, and thick.
– My Electrolux vaccuum, my kitchenaid mixer, and my Pampered Chef utility knife. Still as wonderful as the day I got them (all gifts, but I’d buy them if I had to).
– Turning on the gas fire when it’s really cold in the morning. Enough said.
– A nice dinner on your birthday. Pretending you’re more wealthy than you really are, when done discriminately, is actually very healing. My local preferences are the North Harbor Club and 131 Main.
– Mary Kay eyemakeup remover. There is no substitute.
– Going to Chick-fil-a on a really bad day to buy a small lemonade. It has made many a rough day bright.
– A caramel frappachino. Like once a season, in the afternoon, with whipped cream.
– a king-sized bed. Being the cold one/one who likes to cuddle, I was very dubious of this buy, thinking it threatened our marriage and my warmth. Oh, how I was wrong. I will never go back.
– a family vacation. We didn’t plan to travel this year, but we did. It wasn’t long, expensive, or exotic. It was Myrtle Beach, people, how could it be. We were SHOCKED at how many wonderful memories we made, how refreshed we were, and how fun a time we could have on basically a short and lame vacation. We are now determined to take one every year, and enjoy it.
– The pansies on my back porch. I was shocked the day I discovered people bought flowers that died every year. What is the sense in that. But I take it back. I am slightly happier everytime I see them in my backyard, even if it reminds me that we still haven’t sold our house and no one has even seen them yet. Oh well.
– a year’s subscription to Cook’s Country. I don’t get this magazine anymore, but thankfully I saved them all, and I read them over lunch, before menu planning, during evening wind-down time, and anytime I am curious what the best way is to make something. How many magazines do you read, save, and re-read? For me, not many, but this one I do. It’s a gem.
– And finally – can I say this without sounding like a nerd? Disability insurance. I feel obligated to remind everyone to check and made sure what your family’s coverage is in case you need to add to it.
So there! Hope you enjoyed my list! I’s love to know what some of your worthwhile buys are!
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Agreed on the family vacation, pampers wipes, and birthday dinner for sure! The Melting Pot is always my choice for anniversary and birthday.Flavored bottled water has gotten me through pregnany bc no matter what I try I cannot drink that much plain water! Yuck!The $4.95 online shopping fee to order groceries online This is definitely worth every penny if not used too often. I reserve this for larger orders.A cookies and cream milkshake from Jack in the Box. There is no better shake! Oh how I am counting down the days until I can have one!
Brilliant! And yes on the insurance. I guess we're friends b/c we're both nerds. It stinks being worth more dead (or disabled) than alive, but it makes me a little more likely to leave my house every day!