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Looking for some good new reads for the beach, the pool, the bedside table? 🙂 Here are my recommendations for some inspiring, helpful, enjoyable books for moms this summer! Most of these I have already read…a few I will be reading myself over the next few months! Click to the book for the link to purchase, but don’t forget your library, either!
Parenting / Family
- Hands Free Mama: A Guide to Putting Down the Phone, Burning the To-Do List, and Letting Go of Perfection to Grasp What Really Matters!
– If you haven’t read this, READ IT. READ IT. Title says it all. Love it with all my heart.
- The Well-Behaved Child: Discipline That Really Works!
by John Rosemond – I don’t think John Rosemond is the end-all, be-all of child-rearing advice…but he is sure helpful. My mom has been reading his books and keeps
pushing them on usrecommending we read them. - Parenting With Love And Logic
– I saw my friend Emily reading this recently and after 3.5 minutes of her explaining it…I knew I needed it. Instead of outright “discipline” with difficult kids, it uses the concepts of responsibility and consequences. My four-year-old son is the best – full of passion and independence. But sometimes I feel at my wit’s end of how to handle his anger, emotions, or disobedience. I feel like I need some new tactics, and it sounds like this practical book is full of them. I want to take some time this summer to wrap my head around a new plan for my little guy!
- Home Matters
– My aunt gave me this little book on de-cluttering, renovating, and organizing. It goes through room-by-room and gives practical tips on how to clear out and spruce up. It’s greatly helped me in my spring cleaning!
I don’t read much fiction, but when I asked on my Facebook page, two of my absolute favorites showed up on the list!
- Redeeming Love
– If you haven’t read this, oh read it! A fictional re-telling of the book of Hosea. I stayed up until four in the morning read it. And I NEVER do that!!!!
- Peace Like a River
– This book. I was in the middle of breaking my engagement in college. Flying back home because…I was a mess. And my sweet friend Marty gave me this book to keep me company on the plane. It is the most wonderful, distracting, uplifting story! You won’t regret reading it!
- Own Your Life: Living with Deep Intention, Bold Faith, and Generous Love
– What a gift this book has been to me. I got to review a copy because Sally Clarkson is also a contributor at The Better Mom. Usually these type of self-help books (if you can call it that), I will skim. I found myself actually re-reading, backing up, highlighting, devouring this book. It is a wonderful read that reminds you of all you really want to accomplish in life. Highly, highly recommend, for all readers, not just moms!
What’s on your reading list this summer? Do we have any of the same favorites?
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I must say that Parenting with Love and Logic was the best advice book I’ve ever read. They have a toddler years version too. It makes so much sense when you read it!
Please read A Travel Guide To Life, Transforming Yourself From Head to Soul by Anthony DeStefano. It’s is a one of a kind “self help” book or more accurately “God help” book that is short, sweet, and practical.
I can’t want to start. Thank you for sending it to me.
I’ve been doing a lot of reading for the series I’m writing right now and it’s been so inspiring and helpful. Two great books I’m halfway through reading are For the Children’s Sake by Susan Schaefer and Charlotte Mason’s The Outdoor Life of Children.
Hands Free Mama is on my to-read list soon! And I enjoyed Own Your Life too 🙂
This is a great list. I’m going to put redeeming love on my list!
Also, I’d love for you to join my weekly link up, every Thursday we share what is on our hearts minds and bookshelves. I hope I’ll see you then.
Dear Mr. Knightley was really cute!
I’m in an informal mom’s Bible study and we are reading Real Mom Real Jesus by Jill Savage. So far, so good! I’m also excited to start How to Raise an Adult: Break Free of the Overparenting Trap and Prepare your Kid for Success by Julie Lythcott-Haims.
I read Dear Mr. Knightley recently and loved it. I’m reading Real Mom, Real Jesus by Jill Savage, and I am looking forward to starting How to Raise an Adult by Julie Lythcott-Haims. I loved Hands Free Mama and Redeeming Love!
Here’s my summer reading list – all marriage books!! http://www.leahheffner.com/the-summer-marriage-reading-list/ What do you think?
The actual moms out there might disagree, but Immanuel Christian School was instrumental in my life and the lives of several of the cousins. Shepherding a Child’s Heart is written by the founders of the school.
Love this!