This afternoon Sam’s allergist called with his blood test results. We had thought/hoped that his egg allergy might have gone down, and allow us to have baked egg at least. He’s super hungry. Also, they checked for other allergies and checked the levels on his milk and peanut. I knew he was still allergic, but the numbers give you an evidence of how high he reacts and what the chances are he will outgrow.
To do a baked egg challenge, they want the numbers to be less than 50. His egg number was 2.12! So definitely we should try baked egg, in the hospital, and see how he reacts. Then he has to eat it for the rest of his life basically, so he doesn’t grow to react to it again. (Doesn’t make sense but that’s how it goes.)
I got a wave of anxiety when she started reading all the numbers, afraid of how high they would be. Both milk and peanut are still high. They don’t know for sure, but she said that both seemed “unlikely he would outgrow.” All of our hopes have been that he would outgrow milk at least.
In an unusual show of optimism, for me, I got this very peaceful feeling when she told us that. Like, it’s going to be okay. Not necessarily that he’ll outgrow. But just that God has this. We have known from the beginning his hand is on Sam’s life. I’m sure I will have very anxious moments for the rest of my life with Sam. But I got this strong sense that he belongs to God, and it’s God’s plans that succeed, no matter what man says. And this is true whether I get these waves of peace or not. Our children belong to God.
Next week we will schedule our egg challenge. I will keep you posted and thanks for praying for us!
ps – when I told Sam all the news, he said (with perfect cheerfulness): “Well, you know mom, I think I’d like to try egg. Because if it’s anything to do with food, then I want to do it, because I like food.” Love that kid.
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I feel your heart! My son has severe allergy to peanuts and shellfish. We found out after a reaction at Logan’s. No one truly understands the fear one has until they are dealt the hand. Don’t ever be afraid to put someone in their place when they shun the allergy. And it’s wonderful that he has you as his advocate. You will grow in so many ways during this challenge. MANY hugs from one mother of a child who has food allergies to another!
He is seriously the best kid. So happy the egg may be outgrown! Will be praying for his “taste testing” 🙂
Yeah for eggs! And “unlikely” doesn’t mean “won’t”. No biggie either way cause you are right about it being totally in God’s hands.
“He’s got the foooood allergy in HIs hands.
He’s got the foooood allergy in His hands,
He’s got the fooooood allergy in His hands,
His got the whole world in His hands.
Sweet! I love his attitude. I’m so glad his egg allergy numbers were so low! That’s wonderful and will make your life much easier if he can have eggs.
I know exactly what you mean. When our allergist called last week with our test results, I just felt calm acceptance. This is what God has given us and He will equip us to handle it. My son’s nut allergy numbers were far higher than they were 3 years ago, so I know this will be a lifelong issue for us.
Has your son had his baked egg challenge yet? My 3 year old son goes for his baked egg challenge in 2 weeks and I am nervous! I was hoping to hear your experience if he has already done it.
No! It’s in May! I will let you know! I sure hope your little guy does okay! Saying a prayer for him! Please let me know 🙂
My son passed the baked egg challenge!! It was a little nerve racking going into it but I felt confident he was in good hands and any reaction could be stopped. I am sooooo glad we did it!
Let me know if you have any questions. I think once you have done one they probably get easier. We are going back in July for a peanut challenge.
I will be praying for your little guy too!!