note from Jessica: This is Week 1 of our 40-Day Workout Challenge. It’s not too late to join! Pick a deadline for yourself and join in. You’ll be receiving emails from me periodically throughout the week with an encouraging quote and word from me – my goal is to make it applicable to all my readers, whether you’re working out or not!
I enjoyed reading the comments on this post to see some of the folks participating in the workout challenge. We’ve got some grandmas, some nursing moms, some middle-aged mamas…the whole gamut.
Quote of the day today: I’ve always loved Teddy Roosevelt, and I love this quote.
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds…
I know this might sound a bit dramatic when talking about a twenty-minute yoga video, or whatever small choices you are making during the day, but there’s so much I love about it. Three thoughts I had.
- Way to go, you, for making those hard decisions. I know you did it today. You chose to go for a walk, even if you were tired. You chose to talk to a friend, even when you were busy. We berate ourselves so often for our poor choices…think of one positive one you made today, and take a deep breath. No, seriously, if you didn’t do this, do it. Think of one positive thing you did today, and be proud of yourself.
- Failures are inevitable. Sounds so cheesy, but it’s true – you are going to fail. Get back up on the horse. Tomorrow is a new day!
- Sometimes it’s the doing it that matters. I learned a lesson from my friend Page. Page is in the same life stage as me – nursing a little one, mom of three. She always works out. I asked her, “Page, what’s your secret?” I knew she’d have some awesome gem of advice. Ya know what she said? “I mean…I just do it. Even if I don’t want to.”
And there you have it. Just do it. So annoying simple. 🙂
What’s your biggest obstacle to working out? I’d love to know so I can think (and pray) for you!
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I hate lots of annoying emails, so I won't send them! Just motherhood + life tips, a few times a month.
Does lunch at 131 Main count as fast food?? Trying to decide how many meals out I still have for this week! Haha!!!
Thanks again for this challenge. I am very competitive and I hate losing (even if it is only to myself!), so I think this is exactly what I needed to get me motivated again. I was doing really well before the holidays, but then the kids got sick, then I got sick, then there was an unexpected trip halfway across the country, then Christmas…. It’s just so hard to get back on the wagon, even when I want to. The hardest part for me is finding the time. I have a two and a four year old, plus I work full time. I have so little time with them as it is, I don’t feel like I can give up any of my evenings with them to work out. So that leaves getting up earlier. In order to have time to workout before going to work I have to set my alarm for four in the morning! That’s so early! That’s my biggest hurdle, getting up when my alarm goes off instead of hitting snooze getting some more sleep. And the silly thing about it is, that I know I will have more energy if I do it, but it is so hard! So thanks again for this challenge, hopefully it will be the kick in the pants I need to get out of bed!