Happy New Year! I don’t share personal pictures too often here on my blog, but I today I thought I’d share a few special memories from 2014 with you readers. This has been a bit of a *slow* blogging year, but I had a daughter, so that’s okay. I don’t regret it for a second! 🙂 Here are a few memories from the year:

In March we found out the baby on the way was a girl. I was, as you can see, pumped for some pink in our family.

In May we took a trip to the beach. I was sure I would go into labor trudging back and forth through the sand everyday..but no such luck. 🙂

In July my beloved sister-in-law got married. I was SURE I would go into labor on the way there, on the rambling roads of backwoods, VA…but no such luck 🙂

Somehow, miraculously, Sam learned how to read.
What a full and blessed year.
Lately it seems like blogging has been relegated to the back burner, which it has, a bit, as I homeschool and raise these three little ones. Yet as I look back at 2014, it was a banner year for “Smartter” Each Day. I released my first e-book, and sold way more copies than I dreamed I would. I had several very popular posts, some of my favorite I’ve ever written. Here are some of the “greatest hits” of 2014.

This post from The Better Mom was shared by Kirk Cameron on his site. Pretty cool! Kirk left off the extra “t” on the picture I made, fortunately.

This post remains the most popular one of all time. I sold way more books (with the same name) than I ever thought I would have!

This post was hugely popular on Facebook. I’m really proud of it, because it says a lot of important and hard things, in a (hopefully) helpful way.

This post at The Better Mom also seemed to resonate with readers. It was very meaningful to me – to see God use my most difficult struggle in a positive way in the lives of others.
Whew, so that’s 2014! I am so grateful for those of you who follow along. Some of you are friends, some of you may feel like friends. 🙂 Thanks for reading, sharing, and following along! Blessings to your family in 2015!
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Your family is just precious! Thanks so much for sharing your year with us. I’m heading over to read some of your posts now that I missed, but I wanted to wish you and yours a very happy & blessed New Year!