This post is for you. You moms who did something hard today. Something you didn’t want to do. It wasn’t long like a marathon, glamorous like a solo, even noble like giving birth.
It was something so teeny and insignificant and unnecessary that you’re almost tempted to think it doesn’t matter.
But it does.
See, motherhood, if it’s anything, is full-to-the-brim overflowing with little, annoying, nothings that no one feels like doing.
Mom, my sock is twisted. Can you fix it?
Mommy, sing that song again.
Mom, this truck won’t work right. Help me fix it.
Mom, something’s in my eye. It hurts.
Sometimes *it* is so small it’s not even noticed by them.
But you notice it.
Those pajamas are too tight on him. I’ll switch to some different ones.
If I cut these into smaller pieces, she can eat them more easily.
It’s hot in here…I’ll adjust her blankets a little.
I’ve seen some of you moms, noble creatures, taking care over little ones. Care-taking. Being careful. Adjusting crooked pants and putting shoes on right feet, and wiping hair out of eyebrows and giving her your clean, dry towel. I’ve seen a lot of these, and I want you to know, I love it.
I’m proud of you for telling that story again, for getting up from your comfortable seat (first rest all day) to wipe tears off cheeks, and asphalt from knees. No one would have known if you pretended the diaper rash wasn’t there, but you climbed upstairs, tired, for the medicine anyway.
She wasn’t crying about the soaking, overflowing diaper, but you changed it anyway. They didn’t ask for your prayers. They’ll never see you kneeling in the dark praying protection and peace. They don’t know all you worry, and research, and fold, and clean up.
All these acts can feel like nothing, and you’ll think they don’t matter.
But they do.
How do I know? It’s not because these little ones get it. They may never.
But He does.
“Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people, because you know that the Lord will reward each one for whatever good they do..” {Ephesians 6:7-8)
“Whatever you do to the least of these, you do to me.” {Matthew 25}
Labor on, Mamas. Every little chore is noticed…
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I hate lots of annoying emails, so I won't send them! Just motherhood + life tips, a few times a month.
Oh so true, so true. God has given you wisdom, thank you for passing it on.
Mom – you commented! What a treat! 🙂
Beautifully written. Thank you, Jessica.
Great post today!
I didn’t even know I needed that encouragement until I read it. Thank you, Jessica. I’ll share this on my facebook page tomorrow.
Aw, thanks, Gabby!
Loved this, Jessica! You really nailed it in describing those teeny tiny things that seem pointless. I’ve been tempted to many times to ignore those little things, but in the end they are a way for me to show love to my kiddos, hard as that is to remember. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you, Beth! I love your writing, so your compliment means a lot! 🙂
Yes:) this was so good.
Such a wonderful post. Tears in my eyes. 🙂
Love this!! 🙂 So true (& a nice little pat on the back, for sure!!) 🙂
Same here. Didn’t know I needed this until I read it. None of these things get crossed off a “to-do” list, but they fill up our days and get done one by one. That’s where all my time went! 🙂 I’m so glad it did. And I’m so glad He sees and cares.
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I really love this! Thank you!