I’m beyond thrilled to introduce Let Them Be Kids: Adventure, Boredom, Innocence, and Other Gifts Kids Need.
“We believe in childhood, in letting kids be little and awkward and snuggly and free. We believe in family, that we always have one another and that wherever we are is home…”
“Let Them Be Kids: A Manifesto, “
Jessica Smartt

What did you love about being a kid, and how can you give your kids those things today?
“We believe in imagination — and that the good stuff happens after you set down your phone…”
“Let Them Be Kids: A Manifesto, “
Jessica Smartt

“We believe boredom is often the beginning of something wonderful…”
“Let Them Be Kids: A Manifesto, “
Jessica Smartt
In Let Them Be Kids, I talk about giving your kids the very best gifts:
- adventure {skinned knees + tree forts}
- boredom {why kids need mental white space}
- being awkward {how and why to let kids be uncool}
- imagination {play, reading, using technology well}
- balance {how much sports is too much?}
- grit {on first jobs + failure}
- manners, kindness, talking to adults well + other lost arts
- family {your kids need a tribe and they need it to be you}
- innocence {on sex + porn-proofing your home}
- faith {grace for kids and parents who mess up}

Also includes:
- 50 books + movies to enjoy before your kids leave home
- a family technology manifesto
- conversations to have with your kids before they leave home
- best family games
- 15 things kids should always have on hand
- a list of ways to entertain a grumpy toddler without a screen
“It’s not an easy thing to build a childhood. But in the long run? It’s worth it — for all of us.”
“Let Them Be Kids: A Manifesto, “
Jessica Smartt
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I just finished your last book and loved it! What an appropriate time to read it! Being stuck at home with my children is a great time to make amazing memories! I have a feeling that they are going to wish this crisis would last forever! 🙂
All of that to say that I’m looking forward to your new book!