I love
– the high-pitched squeal of delight you give when you jump in the jumpy chair for the first time all morning.
– the way you love being tickled more than any other baby
– how excited you are to see your daddy, even when we have had the worst afternoon
– your chunky legs
– the way you do the breaststroke with your feet because you’re so excited to be in the bathtub
– when you laugh and scream just because you know people are watching you
– the way you look in your pajamas
– how bottles, SamMule, dogs, and the Baby Bjorn are so funny to you
– that Jack is your best friend already
– your contented sleepy sounds as you fall asleep
– that you give hugs
– how you chug your bottle and scarf down your food…you are your mother’s son
– the way you light up when you see the “spring” page in the seasons book, the part about the dark in “Green Eggs and Ham” and the color blue in every colors book
– the way you try your best to like carrots but dry heave them up
– how you “sing” in church
– that you know your name
– how you love doggies, walks, and food as much as I do
– the way you squeal when you first see me in the morning
– being your mommy.
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Tear. Seriously, Jess. I love this post . . .and miss you a lot!
He is going to love reading this someday. It almost convinced me to have a blog……