So I am 90% positive that our Christmas tree is going to be a Christmas stick by Christmas. Or catch on fire. One or the other.
Unrelated note, yesterday the boys and I put on Christmas music, drank cider, and packaged our Christmas cards. It ended when I dismissed them from the table because they were putting the stamps on their noses and all the wrong places on the cards.
Don’t you love special Christmas moments? 🙂
Of course, these moments will always remind me of these two epic ones from two years ago.
There was the time where we decorated our tree and everything went to pot...and then the one where a You’ll-Never-Believe-What flew out of the fireplace and ran all over the house. (Seriously – this last one is totally worth reading.)
Do you ever have these Christmas flop moments in your home?
In all seriousness, I hope the peace of the Savior – the real peace, that comes to grumpy moms and messy homes – visits you this season. Forget Santa, ya know? We just need a little more Jesus in all this chaos, right? 🙂
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Yep – I looked over while we were doing cards and Annie had put the stamps ALL OVER THE TABLE. :-0
The squirrel story is just one for the books…NEVER gets old and always makes me laugh out loud!