It’s a hard thing to be a boy emerging into adulthood. Perhaps harder now than ever. Looking for books and movies to inspire boys and give them courage?
I am always on the hunt, and I thought I’d share a few of our favorites. My boys are twelve and ten, and it’s been touching to see the power of story in their lives. Stories, after all, change us. They can bring you out of a funk, give you hope, draw you out of your own sad little world and into one with real hope and meaning.
I have seen this happen with my boys. What you put in your mind and heart seeps out, overflows into your speech and heart.
Here are some good things to put in a young boy’s mind.
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Books Boys Love
- Wingfeather Saga: These Andrew Peterson fantasy novels have been devoured by all the men in my household. They all agreed it takes a little to get into them, though, so be patient.
- The Green Ember: These are animal fantasy books with a good vs. evil fight. Currently our Hoopla has all of them and they’re great to listen to.
- Lord of the Rings – I refuse to assume that I am worthy of summarizing these epic books in a blog.
- Narnia – Same.
- Rifles for Watie – This is a Civil War novel that I had my 11-year-old read for school and he loved it and kept talking about it. Better for more advanced readers, though.
- The Shining Sword- One of my son’s favorite books. It’s a spiritual allegory akin to Pilgrim’s Progress. So good!
- Wild Men, Wild Alaska – This is a Christian non-fiction book for adults, but my son picked it up and loved it.
- Through My Eyes, a Quarterback’s Journey – I love Tim Tebow with my whole heart. He writes with young men in mind!
- I am David – Have not read this, but Amazon reviews are great. Movie also looks worthwhile.
- Fearless: The Undaunted Courage and Ultimate Sacrifice of Navy SEAL Team SIX Operator Adam Brown – I read the reviews of this book and was nearly in tears. I think it is definitely intense and for older teens, or preview. But it sounds so inspiring!
- Warrior Dog: This is a heart-warming young reader’s edition of a New York Times Bestseller
- Unbroken: young reader’s edition. You are likely familiar with the best seller, Unbroken. Great story, here with the adult content deleted.
- Boys Without Names – haven’t read it, but have seen it widely recommended.
- Hatchet: This is scary, but inspiring. My son devoured it.
- Home of the Brave – haven’t read it, but have seen it widely recommended.
- The Boys in the Boat -haven’t read it, but have seen it widely recommended.
- No Summit Out of Sight – This looks like an amazing story!
- Endurance, Young Readers Edition: My Year in Space and How I Got There: My friend recommended this, saying it addressed how school was hard for him and how he had to overcome his ADHD to achieve his goals. Could be good for special needs kids.
- The Finest Hours (Young Readers Edition): The True Story of a Heroic Sea Rescue (True Rescue Series) – another great, true adventure story.
- Gifted Hands – such a good story! Ben Carson overcame so much.
Click on books below to purchase:
Movies To Inspire Boys & Give Courage
*Disclosure: Some of these movies contain intense scenes, violence, or language. Please research whether or not these are appropriate for your child or family.
- Facing The Giants
- Amazing Grace, William Wilberforce story
- 12 Angry Men
- Chariots of Fire
- October Sky
- Courageous
- Karate Kid
- Spellbound
- Stand and Deliver
- The Right Stuff
- I Am David
- End of the Spear
- We are Marshall
- Rudy
- Miracle
- The Great Escape
Any other suggestions of movies or books to inspire boys? Throw them in the comments section below!
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