I’m sharing the best devotionals for moms today! Are you looking for a study to help you fix your eyes on Jesus? Maybe you’re overwhelmed with little ones and looking for a quick devotion you can add in the morning. Maybe you’re craving deep, Biblical study.
Here are my 25 best devotionals for moms. You can click on the book images, or read my reviews below…because these are quite varied! My choices include:
- in-depth Bible studies
- quick, easy-to-read reflections
- beloved classics
- new books geared towards modern moms

Please comment below if you have a favorite! Or, if I’ve forgotten a good one! And don’t forget to check at the end of the post, where I’ve included my favorite Bible + reading plans.
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25 Best Devotionals for Moms
best devotionals specifically for moms:
- Risen Motherhood by Emily Jensen and Laura Wifler: I’ve enjoyed the Risen Motherhood podcast for awhile now. Emily and Laura try to approach the challenges of motherhood with the power of the Gospel. I have not read this book, but it looks great. Like the podcast, the book addresses various issues that mothers struggle with (postpartum bodies, food choices, schooling, etc), and attempt to view them through the light of the Gospel. Intriguing!
- Gloria Furman’s Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full:
- Beholding and Becoming by Ruth Simons: What I love about Ruth’s work is that it is thoroughly, theologically sound, but also breathtaking to look at. I have given her books as gifts over the years, and my sister has been loving Ruth’s Foundations: 12 Biblical Truths to Shape a Family, which they read as a family each day.
- Mom Heart Moments by Sally Clarkson: There have been many seasons of my life where Sally has ministered to me in a profound way. She is a older, wiser 😉 mom (now a grandmother) but she still remembers deeply the struggles inherent to motherhood. I haven’t read this particular devotional but I think it would be great for moms “in the think of things,” vs. wanting an intense Bible study. This would make a great gift for a new mom, I bet.
- Heavenly-Minded Mom by Katie Bennett. I endorsed this book, and I adore it still.I chose this as one of my best devotionals for moms because I think it’s deeply encouraging the way she shifts the reader’s perspective from an earthly one to an eternal one as she thinks through many different “mom” concerns from a heavenly perspective. Unique and inspiring!
- Midnight Mom Devotional by Becky Thompson: My mom heard Becky on Focus on the Family radio one day, and knowing my predisposition to anxiety 😉 she recommended Becky’s latest book, Peace. Midnight Mom Devotional is Becky’s most popular book. I have not read it, but I like her writing. I think this would be an easy read and encouraging to a mom who may not have a lot of time. Again, a good gift for a new mom, I bet!
- Better Mom Devotional by Ruth Schwenk + Better Mom team: I contributed a devotional for this book during my days of writing at Better Mom. These devotions remind me of the little monthly devotionals I used to pick up at church and read in the bathroom 🙂 They are short, upbeat reflections on particular Bible verses.
- Walking With God in the Season of Motherhood by Melissa Krueger: Melissa was the women’s director at my church years ago and we loved when she taught a Sunday school class! I adore this book and think it’s for sure one of the best devotionals for moms. It’s a combination of devotional and Bible study. I have gone through it a few different times now.
best devotionals for women
- Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin: I have loved everything I’ve read by Jen Wilkin. I love that she dives into the Scriptures in a detailed, systematic study. I have not done this study, but I’ve done others of hers and this one seems to be one of the most highly recommended of her books.
- One-Minute Inspirations for Women by Elizabeth George. I first became introduced to Elizabeth George in college when I read Loving the Lord With All Your Mind with a group of Bible study girls. That book really challenged us. This would also be a good book to carry in your diaper bag in busy seasons and pull out when you have a second!
- Armor of God by Priscilla Shirer: this book has thousands of excellent reviews. I love the idea of honing in on this passage in Ephesians — I think it would be an excellent study!
- Keep A Quiet Heart, Elisabeth Eliot: I’ll be honest…I did not know this existed until I stumbled upon it while researching for this post. However, I have been a fan of Elisabeth Eliot since I was a girl. I knew her more for her other books and from hearing the story of her late missionary husband, Jim Eliot. This book is a compilation of some of her newsletter writings. This will be on my list!
- Calm My Anxious Heart: I have probably read this five times at various different “anxious” seasons in my life. It’s not a Bible study, per se, but more of a theme study on worry in light of the Bible. It’s just so good. Moms often struggle with worry! That’s why I think it’s one of the best devotionals for moms!
best devotionals for moms or anyone
- Gentle and Lowly by Dane Ortland: I haven’t read this devotional, but so many of my friends have raved about it, and it comes highly recommended from other authors I love (like Paul David Tripp). It looks very rich, to be read slowly and savored. Ortland is a Presbyterian minister, and I’ve heard it mentioned by many of my friends at my (PCA) church, but it has been reviewed and recommended by people across all denominations.
- New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp: my sweet neighbor gave this to me as a spontaneous gift, and I have loved it. I adore Paul David Tripp’s writing. He is honest, vulnerable, Christ-centered, Gospel-centered, Scripture-centered, and so endearing to read.
- My Utmost for His Highest: The classic! A must-read. There’s nothing quite like it.
- Morning and Evening by Charles Spurgeon: Another classic. Deeply Scriptural, deeply encouraging.
- None Like Him, Jen Wilkin: I mentioned Jen earlier in this post. The title of this one is None Like Him: 10 Ways God is Different from Us (and Why That’s a good Thing). Doesn’t that sound refreshing? I have had this in my Amazon cart for forever.
seasonal devotions
- If it’s near the season of Lent (before Easter), consider Uncovering the Love of Jesus by Asheritah Cuicui or Journey to the Cross by Paul David Tripp, two of my favorite authors. Uncovering the Love of Jesus will be more “thick” in terms of diving into the Bible passages, and Journey to the Cross will be more of a devotional daily read, but both are good just depending on what you want.
- If it’s near the season of Advent before Christmas, consider Unwrapping the Names of Jesus by Asheritah Cuicui or The Greatest Gift by Ann Voskamp. Similar to what I said above for the Lent studies, Asheritah’s will be more “heady” as it walks you through names of Jesus and what they mean in the Bible and for us today, and Ann’s is more of a rambling devotional. Both good!
Tips for reading your Bible more
So here’s the thing about these devotions. I’ve loved many of these, and they have definitely pointed me to my Heavenly Father. But of course, all of these pale in comparison to reading the actual word of God! My current favorite is the She Reads Truth Bible. The reason I bought this Bible was actually for the one-year reading plan in the back. I was browsing my mother-in-law’s and realized the reading plan was brilliant — it skips around a bit and I loved how you read a chapter of the Old Testament, a wisdom work, a Gospel, and a New Testament writing each day. I found one discounted at ChristianBook for “slight damages” and you couldn’t tell anything was wrong!
Another option is to listen to the Bible via podcast. I listened to Brian’s daily audio Bible for a while, and I’ve heard great things about the Bible Recap podcast.
Comment below with your favorite devotional!
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