Looking for gift ideas for a boy in your life? Look no further! My gift ideas here are things that my boys love and that encourage simple, creative play.
- Builder Goose: It’s Construction Rhyme Time!
– This little book is fun to read and my kids love the construction-based twists on nursery rhymes.
- Strider No-Pedal Balance Bike, Blue, One Size
– Both my kids learned how to ride without training wheels very quickly (like within a day!) after using a balance bike instead of a bike with training wheels. This is the exact bike we own.
- Melissa & Doug Classic Wooden Figure Eight Train Set
– We own this exact set and I love that it’s easy for kids to set up themselves (honing fine motor skills). They get a big kick out of the battery-operated train which moves along the set.
- Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site
– perfect book for kids who like vehicles
- The Boxcar Children CD Collection
– These are one of my son’s favorite things to do during rest time. I wish we had more of these CDs.
- Mike Mulligan and More: Four Classic Stories by Virginia Lee Burton
– These stories are classics. We also have the CD version which the kids love, also.
- Melissa & Doug Fire Chief Role Play Costume Set
Melissa & Doug Pilot Role Costume Set
- Melissa & Doug Construction Worker Role Play Set
- Razor V-17 Youth Multi-Sport Helmet (Black Gloss)
– My son loved that this helmet looks like a skater helmet. We gave it to him last year for Christmas. I like that it will last a while.
- Cars & Trucks: How to Draw
- Thomas the Tank Popup Tent
– This tent has provided hours of entertainment in our house. I like that it folds up easily to be flat. It fits two kids perfectly.
Smithsonian Diggin’ Up Dinosaurs T-Rex
My nephew introduced us to this amazing toy. You actually use little tools to excavate bones, then piece them together!
- A Field Compass
- A Sleeping Bag
- Flashlights
- Sensory Bins – my boys especially love using their toy diggers in my “Bean Dirt” one
A Fishing Pole and tackle box – My boys love fishing with their dad on the weekends, and on the weekdays, they even practice in the front yard. I’m sure the neighbors get a kick out of that.
- LEGO Building Plate
– My boys do love the lego “kits” with instructions, but MUCH MORE have loved a simple building plate and a box of Legos to “free build.”
- Thermos FUNtainer Bottle
– I researched a TON before selecting a water bottle. My kids love the colors and characters. I love the stainless steel part, which is a healthier option, and the cover that protects from germs.
- Science Lab Set
– My mother-in-law (and former teacher) gave this to my kids. They love making volcanos and even just mixing and dumping water with the tools. It’s a perfect educational toy.
- Mini Trampoline with Handrail
– a great indoor exercise option.
- Clubhouse Jr
Magazine – This is a faith-based magazine for kids. It is very well-done and a nice monthly surprise in the mail.
- Ranger Rick Jr.
This Guidecraft Construction Truck Sort and Match
is awesome. It’s very educational, as the kids have to create and/or match the trucks in the pictures. It’s been sitting on our coffee table for the last week, and they’ve been wandering over to play with it about 12 times a day!
- Sandbox
– I looked around a lot for the *perfect* sandbox. This one was the best one I found in that it fit two kids comfortably and wasn’t the several-hundred dollar versions.
Waba Fun Kinetic Sand
– There’s no way to describe this. You just have to touch it. It’s awesome. (Thanks, Aunt Julie 🙂
- Bounce and Sport Ball
– a kid-sized bouncing ball with handles? Say no more. I recommend the smallest size for anyone under age 6.
- PlayDough Tools Kit with Models and Molds – these tools are great for long playdough time
- PLAYMOBIL Green Recycling Truck
– what little boy doesn’t love garbage trucks? My boys especially love the little trash can that comes with this set.
- Kids Walkie Talkies
– Disclaimer: This is the only item on the list that my kids haven’t actually played with. However, they often use the baby monitors as walkie talkies 🙂 so I think they’d like these. I plan to give them as one of their three Christmas gifts this year.
- Any of the “Backyard Safari ” adventure toys. My boys love the compass, the net, the bug collector, the vest, and all the other items they can see on the brochure, which has also been transformed into a toy of itself. 🙂
- a really awesome shovel – we like these
because they’re sturdy but not dangerous metal 🙂
- 50 Counting Bears with 5 Cups
– Oh, these bears. I have a love/hate relationship with them. I love that the boys count/sort/dump/cook/stir with them all the live-long day. But oh, how I loathe finding these stinkin’ things everywhere.
- Battleship Game
– My five-year-old loves playing this game. It took him a little to get the concept, but now it’s a favorite.
- Little Tikes Black Pick Up Truck
– We received this truck as a hand-me-down, so I was a little surprised at how pricey it is. But honestly? I almost think it’s worth it. My boys LOVE this truck. All the neighbors and visitors LOVE this truck. Girls love this truck. It is a home run.
- A backpack they like
- breakfast date with Dad
- Jesus Storybook Bible (#1 on my list in my ebook, How To Introduce Your Child To Jesus)
- Crocs (with Shoe Charms
) – Since we live in NC, the boys wear Crocs about 9 months of the year. They actually get really excited about a new pair of shoes, because it only happens like twice a year. 🙂 And the little personalized buttons are a nice touch. One of the boys has a digger, the other Lightning McQueen.
- a football
- A Pillow Pet
– My older son has a “hokie” (Go Virginia Tech) and the other a lion. They love these little guys!
- UNO – Who doesn’t love UNO?
- A t-shirt of something they love. I realized I wrongly assumed that my kids wouldn’t love clothing-type presents as much as toys. I’m wrong! They love their lifeguard/excavator/digger/owl/bear shirts so much and even try to dig them out of the dirty laundry. Find a t-shirt with your boy’s favorite thing.
- a kite
- Zing Bow And Arrow
- Real tools – SLAM DUNK GIFT. Depending on the age you may want to use only safe tools such as measuring tape, level, screwdriver, hooks, etc. Or you could do one they use with Dad or Mom.
- Bruder Trucks
– These miniature diggers are sturdy and strong. They are pricey. We only have the small truck linked to above, because it’s one of the cheaper ones. But it’s my son’s favorite toy.
- CD player – we like this one.
- a kickball
Looking for some faith-based gift ideas? I have 25 of my favorites in my e-book, How To Introduce Your Child To Jesus.
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[…] still an extra load of teaching, cleaning, entertaining, special events, and buying a few gifts that mean something and aren’t a waste of […]