There are many ways my husband amazes me. It is amazing how much toilet paper we now consume in our household. It is amazing that he can fix anything, and what a mess he can make doing it. It is amazing that he never complains, and always forgives.
And there’s sports. Whenever I overhear Todd and other guys start talking about sports, I think, Oh, poor Todd. We don’t have cable. He never watches sports. We don’t get the paper. He’s not going to know what they’re talking about.
And then…mystery of all mysteries, how in the world does he always know which college football team is “going to be solid,” and what A-Rod is doing, and which golfer is leading, and about that team that was “robbed,” and on and on?
Truly, remarkable.
Every once in a while, when I get a crazy urge to be a really good wife, I buy beer. I make Todd an egg and cheese sandwich for breakfast. And, I make a half-effort to talk sports. This is thoroughly amusing to Todd, who always looks at me like I am that old lady with a deep man voice coming out of her on that identify theft commercial. It just doesn’t fit. But I know he appreciates it.
So ladies, if you happen to get that urge this weekend to be an extra good wife, here are my tips. Put butter on the toast. Even better, make it a bagel. If you have bacon, put it on top of the egg and cheese, and he will melt in your arms. Just go ahead and get whatever drink he likes. And, read this post by my good friend (and cousin) Rebecca at Banshee Sports. This is what people who know sports are talking about. Rebecca has a way of making (even) sports sound interesting. I challenge you to memorize at least one sentence, and repeat it back to your hubby tomorrow over dinner. Just see what happens. Thanks, Rebecca! And check out Rebecca’s blog and see what you think! Pass it on to your sports fans! This is my favorite recent article from her.
From the Banshee:
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