Looking for ideas for books for boys to read independently? Independent reading is a must around here, during school or not. I’m always on the hunt for book suggestions for my boys so I thought I’d share some that we have loved.
Independent Reads For Boys
Mysterious Benedict Society
Boxcar Children
Hardy Boys
Avalanche Alert (Wild Rescue series)
Bear Grylls Adventure Books
Harry Potter
Theodore Boone books by John Grisham
Garfield Books
Green Ember series
Hank the Cowdog
Rush Revere and the…series
Geronomo Stilton series
Treasure Island
Assorted in Trailblazer Tales by Dave Jackson
Stuart Little
Henry and Ribsy
Henry Huggins
The Shining Sword
Cooper Kids Adventures
Sugar Creek Gang books
Wild Men, Wild Alaska
Tim Tebow, Shaken
Bear Gryllis Survivor Books
Sports Illustrated Big Book of Who, How
Dangerous Book for Boys
The Army Rangers, The Green Berets, etc
Through My Eyes, a Quarterback’s Journey
Usborne’s Spy Guidebook
Ultimate Predatorpedia
The Boy Mechanic: 700 Things For Boys To Do
Bible Infographic For Kids
Year in Sports books
A few other well-recommended books are listed below. These are not books my boys have loved yet, but other wonderful boys I know love them. 🙂 My boys tend not to read a lot of fantasy novels, but more realistic reads. Some of these listed would be great for fantasy readers.
Lloyd Alexander fiction series
Redwall books
Wingfeather Saga
Prince Warriors books by Priscilla Shirer
Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Space Trilogy by C. S. Lewis
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